
You mean there’s nothing new at the dentist? — Then read our current news…

PIPS — a high-tech weapon against bacteria in teeth

NEW: The prac­ti­ce at Kureck offers gent­le and effi­ci­ent root canal tre­at­ment with the revo­lu­tio­na­ry PIPS® laser technology

When your den­tist talks about “PIPS” and “SWEEPS”, he does­n’t mean the latest hip rap­pers, but a high-end device with which he can tre­at dise­a­sed root canals very suc­cessful­ly and gent­ly at the same time. The revo­lu­tio­na­ry “pho­ton-indu­ced pho­toa­cou­stic rin­sing method” (PIPS®) remo­ves bac­te­ria from the micro­sco­pi­cal­ly fine canals of the tooth root sys­tem — more radi­cal­ly and sus­tain­ab­ly than ever before!

Read more …

Well-groomed implants live longer

Implan­ted tee­th can also cau­se pro­blems: if the gums around them beco­me infla­med. “Peri-implan­ti­tis” is the name given to this dise­a­se, which is usual­ly only noti­ced when it is almost too late. The good news: You can do some­thing about it…

Read the artic­le by Dr. Marc Juni­or and Natha­lie Ben­der B.Sc.

5 stars for PRAXIS AM KURECK!

At the “pra­xis+ Award” 2017, Pra­xis am Kureck recei­ved the hig­hest seal of qua­li­ty for exem­pla­ry prac­ti­ce cul­tu­re with 5 stars.

The Pra­xis­PLUS Seal of Qua­li­ty cer­ti­fies the prac­ti­ce “Best prac­ti­ce cul­tu­re — exem­pla­ry prac­ti­ce docu­men­ted and lived in all are­as”. The mul­ti-level award (1–5 stars) is based on given stan­dards, pro­fes­sio­nal requi­re­ment cata­lo­gues and legal requirements.

The test and award is car­ri­ed out by the inde­pen­dent cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on spe­cia­list ACERT. The prac­ti­ce is ques­tio­ned and review­ed with regard to the five essen­ti­al are­as of modern cor­po­ra­te manage­ment: Prac­ti­ce com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, social respon­si­bi­li­ty, media use, pati­ent approach and employee development.