Premium dental care for You!

At the Praxis am Kureck in Wiesbaden, specialised dentists work together in an integrated team with dental hygienists and technicians.

Our patients enjoy the benefits: easy accessibility, no change of clinic, optimal consultation among the specialists and always the best treatment quality.

Tel.: 0611 990370

Dr. Mar­co Geor­gi about the ser­vices of the Pra­xis am Kureck

Opening times

Mon­day to Thurs­day from 7 am to 9 pm
Fri­day from 7 am to 6.30 pm
Satur­day from 9 am to 4.30 pm

appoint­ments: 0611 990370
or e‑mail inqui­ries:

Our doctors team


Our spe­cia­lists in Root canal tre­at­ment, Esthe­tic den­ti­stryPaed­ia­tric den­ti­stry, Pro­phy­la­xis, Implan­to­lo­gy and Orth­odon­ti­cs are among the best in Ger­ma­ny (see Focus list) and are jud­ged by the pati­ents as being out­stan­ding (e.g. on Jame­da)


in Wies­ba­den auf jame­da
in Wies­ba­den auf jame­da
in Wies­ba­den auf jame­da
in Wies­ba­den auf jame­da

Our rooms…

… offer pati­ents the best pos­si­ble com­fort with the utmost cli­ni­cal safety.

Our dentists also on the FOCUS list in 2022

The list of top phy­si­ci­ans is wide­ly regard­ed as an indi­ca­tor of medi­cal qua­li­ty. Endo­donto­logists from the Pra­xis am Kureck are also pro­min­ent­ly repre­sen­ted in the cur­rent list for 2022: As in pre­vious years, Dr. Mar­co Geor­gi, Dr. Hen­ning Bah­nemann and ZA Chris­tof Rif­fel were included in the focus list of the 2500 top phy­si­ci­ans in Germany.

Find out more about our doc­tors here with the FOCUS Doc­tor Search

Trusted Dentists:
“Excellent Practice”

The “Trus­ted Den­tists” rating por­tal has clas­si­fied the Pra­xis am Kureck as “Excel­lent Prac­ti­ce”. The inde­pen­dent assess­ment ser­vice uses its own sur­veys to clas­si­fy den­tal prac­ti­ces accor­ding to around 50 qua­li­ty indicators.

Trus­ted Den­tists sees its­elf as a sup­ple­ment to rating por­tals such as Jame­da and San­ego and eva­lua­tes exclu­si­ve­ly accor­ding to its own, objec­tively veri­fia­ble criteria.

PraxisPlus Award: 5 stars for Praxis am Kureck!

Pra­xis am Kureck recei­ved the 5‑star seal of qua­li­ty for exem­pla­ry prac­ti­ce cul­tu­re at the Pra­xis+ Award 2021.
Read more …


PIPS – a high-tech weapon against Bacteria

The prac­ti­ce at Kureck offers gent­le and effi­ci­ent root canal tre­at­ment with the revo­lu­tio­na­ry PIPS® laser tech­no­lo­gy. Read more …

NEW: Visit our prophylaxis online store!

With our online store, we want to make it easier for you to access good den­tal care pro­ducts. It is small and mana­geable and includes only pro­ducts that we recom­mend for you from our many years of practice.

Our tip: Save on ship­ping fees and take your order with you on your next visit to the prac­ti­ce at the Kureck! 

Periodontitis promotes severe course of COVID-19

Results of a recent stu­dy show an asso­cia­ti­on bet­ween the pre­sence of peri­odon­ti­tis and a seve­re COVID-19 cour­se. Accor­ding to the­se fin­dings, COVID-19 pati­ents with peri­odon­ti­tis have a hig­her risk of inten­si­ve care unit admis­si­on, need for assis­ted ven­ti­la­ti­on, and even a fatal out­co­me of the dise­a­se than peri­odon­tal­ly healt­hy COVID-19 patients.


Also on Sun­days and holi­days we can deal with sud­den pro­blems. We offer an emer­gen­cy ser­vice exclu­si­ve­ly for our pati­ents: You lea­ve us a mes­sa­ge on our ans­we­ring machi­ne (0177–2100064) by 12.00 noon. We call you back at noon and are at your disposal.