Ten doctors in a team

Alle Fachgebiete unter einem Dach – das ist ein großer Vorteil für den Patienten, denn nicht immer ist sofort klar, wo das Problem liegt, wenn es im Mund weh tut. Unser Praxis-Team vereint zehn erfahrene Spezialisten und Spezialistinnen auf den wichtigsten Gebieten der Zahnmedizin. Alle sind dabei aber auch „normale“ Zahnärzte, die Sie als Hauszahnärzte zuverlässig und nachhaltig begleiten.

Our areas of expertise:


End­odon­to­lo­gy is our grea­test field of exper­ti­se. It essen­ti­al­ly deals with the insi­de of the tooth and the roots of the tooth. In this field in par­ti­cu­lar, spe­cia­list trai­ning, spe­cial tech­no­lo­gy such as sur­gi­cal micro­sco­pes and abo­ve all many years of expe­ri­ence are of enorm­ous importance. Learn more about it here…


If you take pre­cau­ti­ons, you rare­ly need a den­tist. Our pro­phy­la­xis team ensu­res with pro­fes­sio­nal tooth clea­ning that no pro­blem zones are for­med, for exam­p­le by tar­tar in the mouth. Learn more about it here…

Esthetic Dentistry

Aes­the­tic den­ti­stry ensu­res the beau­ty of tee­th — and thus makes an indis­pensable con­tri­bu­ti­on to self-con­fi­dence and qua­li­ty of life. To ensu­re that the qua­li­ty meets our high stan­dards, the prac­ti­ce at Kureck has its own den­tal technicians.
Learn more about it here…


In child­hood, the cour­se is set for healt­hy tee­th. It takes a lot of love and expe­ri­ence for child­ren to go to the den­tist wit­hout fear. Our pedia­tric den­tist has both. Learn more about it here…


A field of inno­va­ti­on: Whe­re tee­th were sim­ply miss­ing in the past, implan­to­lo­gy fills the gaps today. Arti­fi­ci­al tee­th can be firm­ly and sus­tain­ab­ly ancho­red in the jaw with modern methods — e.g. 3‑D dia­gno­stics — even under dif­fi­cult conditions.
Learn more about it here…

Paediatric Dentist

In child­hood, the cour­se is set for healt­hy tee­th. It takes a lot of love and expe­ri­ence for child­ren to go to the den­tist wit­hout fear. Our pedia­tric den­tist has both. Learn more about it here…


“Ever­y­thing around the tooth” deals with peri­odon­to­lo­gy. This also includes the so-cal­led “red aes­the­tics”, becau­se healt­hy gums also con­tri­bu­te to an attrac­ti­ve smi­le. The majo­ri­ty of adults have infla­med gums. Not ever­yo­ne knows in time. Learn more about it here…


Long-las­ting tre­at­ments can be very stressful. Our anaes­the­tist Dr. Hech­ler will lite­ral­ly help you sleep through this unp­lea­sant time with modern methods. Learn more about it here…