Dr. Marco Georgi, M.Sc.

… is a spe­cia­list in micro­sco­pic end­odon­to­lo­gy, end­odon­to­lo­gi­cal revi­si­on tre­at­ment and micro­sur­gery and a sought-after lec­tu­rer at many trai­ning insti­tu­tes. For more than 10 years he has also been tea­ching inter­na­tio­nal­ly and has been appoin­ted sci­en­ti­fic direc­tor of the end­odon­to­lo­gi­cal trai­ning of the Hes­si­an Sta­te Medi­cal Asso­cia­ti­on. Dr. Geor­gi is the foun­ding pre­si­dent of VDZE, the Asso­cia­ti­on of Ger­man Cer­ti­fied Endodontologists.

In addi­ti­on, Dr. Geor­gi is also a “com­ple­te­ly nor­mal” den­tist who is hap­py to accom­pa­ny your den­tal health as a per­ma­nent fami­ly dentist.

As in pre­vious years, Dr. Geor­gi is again lis­ted among Germany’s top 2,500 doc­tors in the Focus List 2016.

Care­er of Dr. Mar­co Geor­gi (PDF)

Dr. Sabine Baron, M.Sc …

… spe­cia­li­zed in the field of peri­odon­to­lo­gy after her stu­dies in den­ti­stry and obtai­ned the title “Mas­ter of Sci­ence” in a Master’s pro­gram­me at the Alber­tus-Lud­wig Uni­ver­si­ty of Freiburg.

Like Dr. Geor­gi, she has been a long-stan­ding part­ner of the Wies­ba­den “Pra­xis am Kureck”, to which she has been affi­lia­ted sin­ce 2001. Dr. Baron is popu­lar with her pati­ents, many of whom she con­stant­ly looks after as a fami­ly den­tist, becau­se of her sen­si­ti­ve and pre­cise way of working. Aes­the­tic den­ti­stry is also a focus of her work.

Dr. Henning Bahnemann, M.Sc. …

… joi­n­ed the team of the prac­ti­ce at Kureck in 2014.” He stu­di­ed den­ti­stry in Mainz and soon deve­lo­ped his main focus in end­odon­to­lo­gy. After gra­dua­ting as Mas­ter of Sci­ence End­odon­to­lo­gy, he sett­led in a Wies­ba­den group prac­ti­ce in 2006. As a spe­cia­list in root canal tre­at­ment and den­tal hyp­no­sis, he was soon in demand as a spea­k­er in the natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal field of endodontology.

Dr. Bah­nemann is for­mer Vice Pre­si­dent of the Asso­cia­ti­on of Ger­man Cer­ti­fied End­odon­to­lo­gists (VDZE) and offi­ci­al spea­k­er for Dents­ply Maillefer.

As in pre­vious years, Dr. Bah­nemann is again lis­ted among the top 2,500 phy­si­ci­ans in Ger­ma­ny in the Focus List 2017.

Care­er of Dr. Hen­ning Bah­nemann (PDF)

ZA Christof Riffel, M.Sc …

… work­ed after his stu­dies of den­ti­stry as an assistant and later as a den­tist in pri­va­te prac­ti­ce in the Badi­schen Kip­pen­heim. In 2014 he joi­n­ed the team of the prac­ti­ce at Kureck as a pedia­tric den­tist. Chris­tof Rif­fel com­ple­ted his Master’s degree in End­odon­to­lo­gy in Düs­sel­dorf with a Mas­ter of Sci­ence degree in End­odon­to­lo­gy. Like Dr. Geor­gi, he is one of the foun­ding mem­bers of the Asso­cia­ti­on of Ger­man Cer­ti­fied End­odon­to­lo­gists (VDZE).

He also spe­cia­li­zes in cli­ni­cal and den­tal hyp­no­sis (Mil­ton Erick­son Insti­tu­te, Ham­burg). The­se skills also con­tri­bu­te to his pro­fi­le as a pedia­tric den­tist and spe­cia­list in den­tal trau­ma­to­lo­gy, for which he stands in our prac­ti­ce clinic.

As in pre­vious years, ZA Rif­fel is again lis­ted among the top 2500 doc­tors in Ger­ma­ny in the Focus List 2016.

Care­er of ZA Chris­tof Rif­fel (PDF)

FZ Heike Drechsler …

… dis­co­ver­ed the field of orth­odon­ti­cs as her favou­ri­te field of den­ti­stry after her stu­dies. She suc­cessful­ly com­ple­ted her three-year trai­ning in 2008 and has been a spe­cia­list in orth­odon­ti­cs sin­ce then. Her main are­as of inte­rest are the ear­ly tre­at­ment of tooth and jaw mal­po­si­ti­ons in child­ren bet­ween the ages of 5–9 years, as well as the tre­at­ment of tooth mal­po­si­ti­ons of adult pati­ents with almost invi­si­ble pla­s­tic splints. She mas­ters all inno­va­ti­ve and clas­si­cal orth­odon­tic tech­ni­ques with the aim of hel­ping every young and old pati­ent in the prac­ti­ce at the Kureck to achie­ve their most beau­tiful smile.

Care­er of Hei­ke Drechs­ler (PDF)

Dr. med. Angela Hechler

… spe­cia­li­zed in the field of anaes­the­sio­lo­gy after stu­dy­ing human medi­ci­ne in Frank­furt and Mainz, whe­re she pas­sed her medi­cal spe­cia­list exami­na­ti­on in 1994. After more than 20 years of inpa­ti­ent work in cli­nics, Dr. Hech­ler has been an anaes­the­tist in pri­va­te prac­ti­ce sin­ce 2014 and cares for pati­ents under­go­ing out­pa­ti­ent sur­gery. For us, too, it enables anxious pati­ents and child­ren to under­go lon­ger or stre­nuous den­tal inter­ven­ti­ons through gene­ral anaes­the­sia or twi­light sleep treatments.