Paediatric Dentist

A visit to the pediatric dentist should be fun! Children love new experiences, if they are not connected in advance with fears, stress or even pressure. Most treatments today are painless and short anyway.

Our Paediatric Dentist

In the prac­ti­ce at Kureck your child is in the best hands with Chris­tof Rif­fel. Not only becau­se his many years of work with child­ren have given him a distinct “knack” for small pati­ents — his tre­at­ment room also offers a child-fri­end­ly, fear-free atmosphere.

Chris­tof Riffel’s goal is to main­tain and pro­mo­te children’s curio­si­ty and natu­ral wil­ling­ness to coope­ra­te. The­r­e­fo­re the pati­ents are intro­du­ced to the tre­at­ment in a playful and child-fri­end­ly way. The­re is no time at all for fear and stress.

Howe­ver, for you as par­ents we have some tips on this page on how you can prepa­re your child for a visit to the den­tist — alt­hough less is real­ly more here.

Also becau­se of the cool video pro­jec­tion on the cei­ling, the litt­le pati­ents some­ti­mes no lon­ger want to lea­ve the tre­at­ment chair…

The first time at the dentist

To prepa­re your child for the first visit to the den­tist, it is best to do as litt­le as pos­si­ble. The child should make his own unbi­a­sed expe­ri­en­ces with the prac­ti­ce rooms and the nice team. do not calm any­thing (“that does not hurt at all”), becau­se that only makes the child think that some­thing could actual­ly hurt here. When the child asks if it hurts, say that most child­ren tell it tick­les a little.

Abo­ve all, do not pro­mi­se any rewards, becau­se this dra­ma­ti­zes the situa­ti­on and puts the child under pressure.

Speak in posi­ti­ve words about your own den­tal expe­ri­en­ces. (You get super-tee­th and the den­tist makes sure that they stay that way.) The child should be proud of its gre­at tee­th and look for­ward to the expe­ri­ence (“that’s fun­ny, all your tee­th are counted.”)

Of cour­se you can be part of the tre­at­ment. But keep as far as pos­si­ble in the back­ground and let the child be the focus of atten­ti­on. The child should con­cen­tra­te on the den­tist and under­stand what he or she is say­ing. Alre­a­dy the way Chris­tof Rif­fel talks to your child calms and rela­xes it and, if neces­sa­ry, puts it into a slight trance sta­te (den­tal hypnosis).

Let the den­tist gui­de you! This is the best way to estab­lish a rela­ti­onship of trust bet­ween the litt­le pati­ent and his doctor.

Some child­ren also want to play den­tist and exami­ne stuf­fed ani­mals — or their own cuddly toy. Arou­se your child’s curio­si­ty about visi­ting the dentist.

Make the day of your visit to the den­tist free of stress and ensu­re that your child is rested.

Diagnostic Analysis

Every tre­at­ment beg­ins with a tho­rough diagnosis.

The den­tist will get an idea of your child and his tee­th. The caries risk is deter­mi­ned and an indi­vi­du­al tre­at­ment plan is based on this. Nut­ri­ti­on, tooth brushing habits and the use of fluo­ri­ne also play a role.  If neces­sa­ry, cri­ti­cal are­as can be x‑rayed with very litt­le stress. This makes it pos­si­ble to detect a den­tal dise­a­se befo­re it is visi­ble or even noti­ceable from the outside.


Pro­fes­sio­nal tooth cleaning

Even in our times it is not a mat­ter of cour­se to have healt­hy tee­th free of caries. In con­trast to 20 or 30 years ago, we do not only want to remo­ve caries in your child­ren today, but we do not want it to deve­lop in the first place. This requi­res a pro­fes­sio­nal indi­vi­du­al pro­phy­la­xis program.

The young pati­ents are intro­du­ced to den­tal care in our den­tal prac­ti­ce in a playful way, so that they are moti­va­ted for dome­stic oral hygie­ne and take per­so­nal respon­si­bi­li­ty for their teeth.

Our pre­ven­ti­ve pro­gram­me includes, among other things:

  • Inten­si­ve clea­ning and poli­shing of teeth
  • Making dan­ge­rous plaque visible
  • Curing of ena­mel with fluo­ri­de varnishes
  • Tooth brushing school (demons­tra­ti­on of age-appro­pria­te tooth brushing tech­ni­ques, tips on the use of den­tal floss, infor­ma­ti­on on fluo­ri­de administration)
  • Infor­ma­ti­on on the cau­ses and natu­re of caries
  • nut­ri­tio­nal counselling
  • Deter­mi­na­ti­on of the indi­vi­du­al caries risk (her­edi­ty, sali­va tests)
Tooth Brushing

Is tooth brushing neces­sa­ry? Yes. Becau­se a clean tooth does not get sick!

Brushing tee­th remo­ves not only lef­to­ver food, but abo­ve all the harmful plaque. Plaque is main­ly com­po­sed of bac­te­ria and their meta­boli­tes. The bac­te­ria mul­ti­ply rapidly, adhe­re to the tee­th as a sti­cky mass and pro­du­ce aggres­si­ve acids. The­se dis­sol­ve the ena­mel so that caries develops.

Den­tal Floss

.… is not neces­sa­ry for milk tee­th? Yes! Many child­ren have their tee­th very clo­se tog­e­ther. This increa­ses the risk of inter­den­tal caries.

The cont­act point bet­ween clo­se­ly spa­ced tee­th is neither visi­ble to the den­tist nor acces­si­ble to the toothbrush.

Den­tal floss is the­r­e­fo­re obli­ga­to­ry even for milk tee­th. The pro­phy­la­xis team will explain the hand­ling in detail to par­ents and child­ren in the prac­ti­ce at the Kureck.



All tee­th with deep groo­ves and dimp­les on the occlu­sal sur­face are par­ti­cu­lar­ly pro­ne to caries. The­se tee­th should also be sea­led in child­ren. A medi­cal­ly harm­less, low-vis­co­si­ty pla­s­tic is appli­ed to the tooth sur­face under abso­lut­e­ly dry con­di­ti­ons and cured with a spe­cial lamp. This gives your child’s tee­th effec­ti­ve pro­tec­tion against tooth decay.

The­re are dif­fe­rent types of fil­ler mate­ri­als. We only use pla­s­tics as fil­ling mate­ri­al. Pla­s­tic fil­lings have good adhe­si­on and the­r­e­fo­re also a high load capa­ci­ty. They are more dura­ble. The cos­ts for pla­s­tics are not ful­ly cover­ed by the sta­tu­to­ry health insu­rance funds.

Ner­ve Treatment

In some cases caries has atta­cked the ner­ve and the tooth needs a ner­ve tre­at­ment. We pro­vi­de such tee­th with a children’s crown. Only then do they have a good chan­ce of suc­cess in assum­ing their pla­ce­hol­der func­tion until the natu­ral chan­ge of teeth.

Even tee­th with a pro­no­un­ced ena­mel defect are pro­tec­ted with a children’s crown so that they are ful­ly func­tion­al again.

Milk tooth endodontics

Inter­den­tal caries is par­ti­cu­lar­ly dan­ge­rous for the deli­ca­te milk tee­th. Espe­ci­al­ly the milk tooth ner­ve can quick­ly beco­me infla­med and die due to caries bac­te­ria, even if the hole still looks small from the out­side. If the ner­ve is also affec­ted in tee­th with deep caries, tre­at­ment is requi­red. In most cases, the dise­a­sed part of the ner­ve must be removed.

Howe­ver, it can also hap­pen that a milk tooth dies. In this case, root canal tre­at­ment as in adults is neces­sa­ry. Opti­cal chan­ges of the tooth, a fis­tu­la or an abs­cess are the exter­nal signs. The­re are many cau­ses of milk tee­th dying (acci­dents, caries). The tooth must always be trea­ted. After each root canal tre­at­ment the tooth should be trea­ted with a crown.

Insuf­fi­ci­ent or incor­rect tre­at­ment (e.g. lea­ving the tooth in place or dril­ling it out) can lead to long-term dama­ge to health, for exam­p­le in the case of a per­ma­nent tooth. For a detail­ed exami­na­ti­on, we take a digi­tal x‑ray image in the prac­ti­ce at Kureck.

Place hol­ders

If a milk tooth has been lost pre­ma­tu­re­ly due to an acci­dent or caries, the resul­ting gap must be kept open for the next tooth. This is done using a pla­ce­hol­der. A fixed pla­ce­hol­der is prac­ti­cal: It is firm­ly cemen­ted in and only needs to be rein­ser­ted when loosening.