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Anaesthesia: the procedure overslept

Long-lasting treatments, or treatments of teeth that are difficult to access, can be stressful for the patient. Our anaesthetist, Dr. Hechler, will literally help you sleep through this unpleasant time.
In many cases, nitrous oxide sedation or dental hypnosis, for which some of our doctors have special training, is also sufficient.

Anaesthesia — how it works:

In a detail­ed dis­cus­sion, Dr. Hech­ler will inform hers­elf about your sta­te of health and dis­cuss the pos­si­ble pro­ce­du­res with you: Shorter pro­ce­du­res of up to one hour can be per­for­med in twi­light sleep (anal­go­se­da­ti­on): Medi­ci­nes are admi­nis­te­red to crea­te a plea­sant rela­xa­ti­on. Pati­ents remain respon­si­ve, but only remo­te­ly or no lon­ger per­cei­ve the events around them. Heart, cir­cu­la­ti­on and oxy­gen sup­p­ly are con­trol­led over the enti­re period.

Clas­sic gene­ral anes­the­sia is recom­men­ded for pro­lon­ged den­tal tre­at­ments. Here too, anaes­the­tics are used, which are admi­nis­te­red intra­ve­nous­ly. The pati­ents fall asleep rela­xed and feel abso­lut­e­ly not­hing for the dura­ti­on of the ope­ra­ti­on. Heart, cir­cu­la­ti­on and respi­ra­ti­on are con­stant­ly monitored.

With modern anaes­the­tics and their admi­nis­tra­ti­on adapt­ed exact­ly to the patient’s needs, pati­ents wake up quick­ly at the end of tre­at­ment and can go home accom­pa­nied for a while.

No pro­ce­du­re is wit­hout risk, but by con­stant­ly moni­to­ring the pati­ent on the moni­tor, all­er­gic reac­tions to medi­ca­ti­on, for exam­p­le, can be quick­ly detec­ted and trea­ted. With her many years of expe­ri­ence, Dr. Hech­ler offers you a high degree of secu­ri­ty you can trust.

Hints for our patients:

Befo­re the surgery:

Last meal: the evening befo­re the operation

You can drink clear liquid up to 2 hours befo­re arri­ving in the practice.

After the surgery:

Plea­se let us pick you up.

Don’t stay alo­ne over­night either.

Drink small amounts if the den­tist allows it. If you tole­ra­te this well, you can also have a light meal.

In our leaf­let (PDF) you will find the most important tips for a smooth den­tal operation.

Relaxed — at the dentist?!

Rela­xed and fear-free due to modern nitrous oxi­de sedimentation

Even if nobo­dy likes to admit it — ner­vous­ness and fear befo­re or during a visit to the den­tist are not uncom­mon. More than 70% of the popu­la­ti­on expe­ri­ence them. It’s only natu­ral to ask for help. Can you feel com­for­ta­ble at the den­tist? The prac­ti­ce at Kureck says: of cour­se! Laug­hing gas, for exam­p­le, is a plea­sant seda­tive that works quick­ly and is also well tole­ra­ted by children.

Laug­hing gas imme­dia­te­ly rela­xes and redu­ces the sen­sa­ti­on of pain. One feels an inner calm and feels a litt­le like in a dream. The tre­at­ment time seems to pass more quick­ly, and yet one remains awa­ke and respon­si­ve. Only 5–10 minu­tes later you are com­ple­te­ly clear again and can go home.

The method has been used by den­tists for deca­des and is con­stant­ly impro­ved tech­ni­cal­ly. A small nasal mask is used to inha­le a mix­tu­re of pure oxy­gen and nitrous oxi­de. The den­tist increa­ses the dose slow­ly until the pati­ent is rela­xed and free of anxiety.

The prac­ti­ce at Kureck offers its pati­ents nitrous oxi­de sedi­men­ta­ti­on at the latest tech­ni­cal level. Talk to us! We will be hap­py to advi­se you.

Relaxation music

Vale­ri­an not only for the ears. You are wel­co­me to let your thoughts fly away from the tre­at­ment while lis­tening to rela­xing music. You will recei­ve a CD play­er with a spe­cial trance faci­li­ta­ting music program.

Dental Hypnosis

Dr. Hen­ning Bah­nemann and ZA Chris­tof Rif­fel were trai­ned in the method of den­tal hyp­no­sis at the Mil­ton-Erick­son-Insti­tu­te in Ham­burg and have many years of expe­ri­ence in this field.

In hyp­no­sis sleep you calm down so much that the tre­at­ment does not stress and hard­ly or not at all hurts.