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Esthetic dentistry

The ultimate goal of the treatment is the esthetic care of the teeth. A variety of modern techniques are available for this. A non-invasive, gentle approach preserves as much healthy tooth material as possible. The choice of materials can be tailored to the needs of your body.

Chan­ges to the shapes of the tee­th can be simu­la­ted by com­pu­ter and then also with tem­po­ra­ry solu­ti­ons in the mouth. This helps to achie­ve con­fi­dence in the aim of the tre­at­ment. Your wis­hes can be imple­men­ted in the practice’s own den­tal laboratory.

Our specialist in esthetic dentistry

SabineBaron_350x440Mrs. Dr. Sabi­ne Baron, M.Sc., is our Spe­cia­list für Esthe­tic Dentistry.

Make an appoint­ment with Dr. Baron: 0611 990370

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If the sub­s­tance of the tooth has suf­fe­r­ed great­ly from tooth decay or exten­si­ve, lar­ge fil­lings, this can often only be per­ma­nent­ly recon­s­truc­ted in a sta­ble way with crowns. The outer ena­mel is careful­ly remo­ved in a cir­cu­lar fashion. Par­ti­al crowns only cover the che­wing sur­face, whe­re­as full crowns reach down to the gums and encap­su­la­te the enti­re sur­face of the tooth abo­ve the gum. Nowa­days crowns can be made from trans­lu­cent, tooth-colo­red cera­mic or a gold sub­s­truc­tu­re with a tooth-colo­red cera­mic cove­ring. They are firm­ly and per­ma­nent­ly atta­ched to the tooth with the aid of cements.


If a tooth is lost and the adja­cent tee­th are still pre­sent, the row of tee­th can be com­ple­ted again with a bridge. The bridge con­nects the neigh­bor­ing tee­th, which act as pil­lars for the con­s­truc­tion. The miss­ing tooth can repli­ca­ted in a decep­tively rea­li­stic man­ner. Bridges are also firm­ly cemen­ted in.

An alter­na­ti­ve to a bridge tre­at­ment is the opti­on of repla­cing the miss­ing tooth by means of an implant (implan­to­lo­gy).


Par­ti­al dentures

Depen­ding on how the remo­va­ble den­tures are atta­ched to the exis­ting tee­th, a distinc­tion is made bet­ween the following:

Teles­co­pic den­tures: this is a dou­ble-crown sys­tem, in which the tee­th are given gold crowns. A tooth-colo­red crown, which is inte­gra­ted into the den­ture, fits over the­se gold crowns con­tri­bu­ting to the anchorage.

Attach­ment dentures

The remai­ning tee­th are crow­ned. The­se crowns are equip­ped with an attach­ment device. The matching coun­ter­part is inte­gra­ted into the den­tures. As you push them in they are firm­ly secu­red in place.

Clasp den­tures

clasps sur­round the exis­ting tee­th when the den­tures are inser­ted, pro­vi­ding grip and support.

A dis­ad­van­ta­ge of clasp den­tures is that with this type of tre­at­ment, an unphy­sio­lo­gi­cal strain is pla­ced on the tee­th and it looks esthe­ti­cal­ly unp­lea­sant if the clasps are visible.

Full dentures

In the com­ple­te absence of any tee­th, the­se den­tures lie direct­ly on the mucous mem­bra­ne. With a good fit, sali­va can crea­te suc­tion bet­ween the den­tures and the mucous membrane.

If the den­ture base is not per­fect, you can secu­re the grip of full den­tures with the aid of even just a few implants. (Implan­to­lo­gy).

Removable dentures

If seve­ral tee­th or even all of the tee­th are miss­ing, the den­tures can no lon­ger be firm­ly ancho­red. With remo­va­ble par­ti­al den­tures (if some sta­ble tee­th are still pre­sent) or full den­tures (in the absence of any tee­th) the che­wing func­tion is restored.

An alter­na­ti­ve to remo­va­ble den­tures is the opti­on of repla­cing the miss­ing tee­th by means of implants (implan­to­lo­gy).


In many cases the­se days, dis­co­lo­ra­ti­on or a tooth sha­de that is too dark can be cor­rec­ted. First the tee­th are tho­rough­ly clea­ned in order to remo­ve stai­ning from red wine, tea or smo­king for exam­p­le. Leaky, old fil­lings must also be repla­ced. Only now can the actu­al color of the tee­th be asses­sed, and if requi­red, cor­rec­ted. A simp­le, las­ting method for this, which pro­tects the tooth mate­ri­al, is blea­ching. With the aid of mild agents, the tooth can be brigh­ten­ed from the out­side and, in the case of root-fil­led tee­th, also internally.

Home blea­ching 

If seve­ral tee­th need to be whiten­ed, home blea­ching is recom­men­ded. You get a soft, pla­s­tic tray, which fits over the tee­th that are to be blea­ched. You fill this with the blea­ching gel, insert the tray and lea­ve the gel to work for around 1–2 hours per day. After 2 to some­ti­mes 6 weeks, the maxi­mum blea­ching effect is achieved.

In-prac­ti­ce  bleaching

In the case of tee­th that have had root canal tre­at­ment, the blea­ching gel is pou­red into the tooth. The blea­ching effect is noti­ceable after just a few days. Then the tooth gets a new, imper­meable fil­ling. Indi­vi­du­al tee­th or dark sta­ins are also blea­ched at the prac­ti­ce. The gel is appli­ed pre­cis­e­ly to the area that is to be blea­ched. The blea­ching effect is assis­ted with a warm­ing lamp. The tre­at­ment takes around one hour.  Stub­born sta­ins can be remo­ved using other methods (micro­ab­ra­si­on, macro­ab­ra­si­on) or cover­ed (veneers, crowns)

Show Your most beautiful smile

Effec­ti­ve tee­th whitening with the new ZOOM! sys­tem from Philips

A radi­ant smi­le can open both hearts and doors. If you can laugh con­fi­dent­ly, you radia­te ener­gy and a sen­se of ease. You also look altog­e­ther youn­ger and more attrac­ti­ve. It’s no won­der that around 85% of peo­p­le would like to have whi­ter teeth.

At Pra­xis am Kureck, we work with the sta­te-of-the-art ZOOM! sys­tem deve­lo­ped by Phil­ips. This means that we can brigh­ten tee­th by up to 8 shades with just a sin­gle treatment!

With this sys­tem, our whitening gel is appli­ed to the tee­th and then “acti­va­ted” with a spe­cial lamp, which takes about 15 minutes.

As cli­ni­cal stu­dies show, this tre­at­ment is com­ple­te­ly harm­less and can be car­ri­ed out on ever­yo­ne. It cos­ts €255 for one jaw, or €435 for both.

Our expe­ri­en­ces with the ZOOM! sys­tem have been con­sis­t­ent­ly positive.

Just cont­act us and we’ll be hap­py to advi­se you!



Dis­co­lo­ra­ti­on which is in the outer ena­mel can­not always be remo­ved by blea­ching, but can often be per­ma­nent­ly eli­mi­na­ted using a spe­cial phy­si­co­che­mi­cal tech­ni­que. This gent­le method espe­ci­al­ly pro­tects the ena­mel, as vir­tual­ly no mate­ri­al is remo­ved. After app­ly­ing a sui­ta­ble pas­te, this is polished into the sur­face lay­er and it remo­ves the offen­ding discoloration.

Composite restaurations

The esthe­tic effect of our tee­th is crea­ted by the inter­ac­tion of colors and shapes as well as the dif­fe­rent reflec­ti­ve and trans­lu­cent qua­li­ties of our tooth mate­ri­al. This must be taken into account for rea­li­stic recon­s­truc­tion. High-qua­li­ty com­po­si­te mate­ri­als enable laye­red con­s­truc­tion of tooth mate­ri­al, which is espe­ci­al­ly important in the visi­ble parts of the incis­ors. This means defects and tooth decay can be retrea­ted invisibly.

Esthetic Contouring

The sil­hou­et­te of the tee­th is some­ti­mes worn and chip­ped. Harm­o­ny and sym­me­try of the con­tour of the incis­ors in rela­ti­on to the bow of the lip and laugh­ter lines can be res­to­red with the help of small mea­su­res that eit­her add or take away.


Extre­me­ly thin cera­mic veneers can be appli­ed to the ena­mel. Stub­born sta­ins can be safe­ly cor­rec­ted in this way. The shape of the tooth can also be chan­ged, and wit­hout having to file the tooth exces­si­ve­ly. Gaps can be clo­sed and tee­th that have worn too short can be leng­the­ned again.

Only a small amount of ena­mel has to be remo­ved for a cera­mic veneer. Due to their trans­lu­cent qua­li­ty, they give a natu­ral effect and fit in seam­less­ly with the sur­roun­ding tooth structure.