
It depends not only on medical diagnoses how tooth malpositions are treated, but also on the individual life circumstances of the affected person. We help you to make the right decision with careful advice.

Our specialist for orthodontics

Hei­ke Drechsler

Hei­ke Drechs­ler is a spe­cia­list in orth­odon­ti­cs. Her main focus is the ear­ly tre­at­ment of tooth and jaw mal­po­si­ti­ons in child­ren bet­ween 5–9 years, as well as the tre­at­ment of tooth mal­po­si­ti­ons of adult pati­ents with almost invi­si­ble pla­s­tic splints (“Invi­sia­lign”).


The time­ly reco­gni­ti­on and eli­mi­na­ti­on of orth­odon­tic mal­func­tions and mal­de­ve­lo­p­ments is the basis of the tre­at­ment of child­ren. From the age of six, we can dis­cuss with you the ext­ent to which action is nee­ded. We then use the natu­ral growth of the jaw with remo­va­ble braces to gent­ly gui­de the tee­th in the right direc­tion. At no later date is tooth cor­rec­tion as easy as in childhood.


Aes­the­tic demands play a major role in adult pati­ents during tre­at­ment. Opti­cal impairm­ents cau­sed by con­ven­tio­nal braces or the drea­ded extra­c­tion of healt­hy tee­th are a thing of the past. In addi­ti­on to cor­rec­tion using inter­nal lin­gu­al braces, we main­ly cor­rect adult pati­ents’ tee­th with remo­va­ble, trans­pa­rent miniplast/plastic splints (Invi­sa­lign), which are chan­ged every seven to 14 days.

Almost invisible tooth correction with plastic “aligners”

com­for­ta­ble, trans­pa­rent, removable

Invi­sa­lign® is an inno­va­ti­ve pro­duct of Ali­gn Tech­no­lo­gy BV, Ams­ter­dam. The so-cal­led ali­gners made of trans­pa­rent pla­s­tic can be used to tre­at a wide varie­ty of tooth mis­a­lignments. The pla­s­tic tray can be remo­ved for opti­mum oral hygie­ne. You can eat and drink wit­hout restrictions.

An ali­gner does not come alo­ne: it is a set of trans­pa­rent pla­s­tic rails, wit­hout metal or wires. The goal of the tre­at­ment is first defi­ned on the com­pu­ter in a 3‑dimensional repre­sen­ta­ti­on and divi­ded into indi­vi­du­al tre­at­ment pha­ses. An indi­vi­du­al ali­gner splint is then pro­du­ced for each of the­se pha­ses, which is worn for about two weeks. During this time your tee­th are con­ti­nuous­ly moved in the pre­vious­ly cal­cu­la­ted direc­tion with gent­le pres­su­re. Then switch to the next rail from the set.

We will be hap­py to advi­se you whe­ther Invi­sa­lign® is the right choice for you.