
A clean tooth rarely gets sick. Therefore, the primary goal is to prevent the development of tooth and gum problems. And this is possible: by intensive cleaning of the teeth with gentle but effective aids.

Smooth Teeth, Fresh Breath

With our pro­fes­sio­nal tooth clea­ning, plaque and dis­co­lou­ra­ti­on of the tee­th are tho­rough­ly remo­ved, even in hard-to-reach places. Thus the patho­gens for the dise­a­ses of tee­th and gums dis­ap­pear. Clean, smooth tee­th and fresh breath are the addi­tio­nal reward.

This acti­ve pro­gram to main­tain your oral health should be given to your tee­th at regu­lar inter­vals. Espe­ci­al­ly after exten­si­ve den­tal tre­at­ments or sur­vi­ved gum dise­a­ses, your tee­th need regu­lar inten­si­ve after­ca­re — for the sake of oral health.

We would be hap­py to include you in our call ser­vice and get back to you when the time comes!

Professional Tooth Cleaning

At the begin­ning of the tre­at­ment, your oral hygie­nist will exami­ne your tee­th and gums very careful­ly: you will find out whe­re weak points are and what can still be impro­ved. With fine hand or ultra­so­nic instru­ments, the hard and soft plaque is then careful­ly remo­ved, even in dif­fi­cult to reach niches and below the gum mar­gin. Sub­se­quent poli­shing not only makes the sur­faces mir­ror-smooth, but also remo­ves all dis­co­lou­ra­ti­on from the teeth.

Your oral hygie­nist will then show you which aids are best sui­ted for clea­ning your tee­th at home. An exten­si­ve assort­ment of den­tal floss, inter­den­tal brushes, tooth­picks, etc. is available for selection.

Risk of Periodontitis

Modern mole­cu­lar bio­lo­gi­cal methods are also beco­ming incre­asing­ly important in den­tal prac­ti­ce — espe­ci­al­ly in peri­odon­to­lo­gy. Peri­odon­ti­tis is now con­side­red a real infec­tious disease.

This requi­res a spe­ci­fic dia­gno­sis of the harmful bac­te­ria, espe­ci­al­ly in chro­ni­cal­ly pro­gres­si­ve, the­ra­py-resistant and aggres­si­ve forms. We use a spe­cial test to iden­ti­fy peri­odon­ti­tis mar­ker germs. A gene­tic risk of peri­odon­ti­tis can also be detec­ted. Risk fac­tors such as gene­tic pre­dis­po­si­ti­on, sys­te­mic dise­a­ses, oral hygie­ne, etc. have a las­ting influence on the suc­cess of the therapy.

In the case of per­sis­tent or unu­sual­ly rapidly pro­gres­sing gum dise­a­ses, the micro­or­ga­nisms caus­ing the dise­a­se can be iden­ti­fied by taking samples from the gum pocket. If you know the patho­gens exact­ly, you can sup­port the gum tre­at­ment with the help of an anti­bio­tic. The anti­bio­tic can then pro­tect the who­le body from germs via the bloodstream.

Periodontitis Stop Program

After the suc­cessful tre­at­ment of an inflamm­a­to­ry gum dise­a­se (peri­odon­ti­tis), regu­lar after­ca­re is cru­cial to pre­vent a resur­gence or recur­rence of infec­tion. Peri­odon­ti­tis can only be per­ma­nent­ly stop­ped by con­sis­tent, regu­lar care tog­e­ther with careful oral hygie­ne at home!

“Cri­ti­cal zones” must be che­cked at regu­lar inter­vals. A sub­se­quent clea­ning of dif­fi­cult to reach niches can then pre­vent the for­ma­ti­on of a “gum pocket”.

Ask for our recall pro­gram: we’ll call you when it’s time again — or make an appoint­ment for the next clea­ning. Your healt­hy gums will thank you for it.

Fluorides Harden the Enamel

The deve­lo­p­ment of caries can be effec­tively inhi­bi­ted by fluo­ri­des. Various methods are available for this purpose

  • fluo­ri­de-con­tai­ning tooth­pas­tes (from tooth breakthrough)
  • fluo­ri­da­ted table salt (use when cooking)
  • Rin­sing solu­ti­ons (from school age with increased caries risk)

The use of fluo­ri­de-con­tai­ning tooth­pas­tes and fluo­ri­da­ted table salt makes sen­se. Howe­ver, the most effec­ti­ve method is to keep the fluo­ri­de in the oral cavi­ty for as long as possible.

The amount of fluo­ri­de requi­red per day depends on the fluo­ri­de con­tent of the drin­king water. Plea­se also note the infor­ma­ti­on on fluo­ri­da­ti­on pro­vi­ded by the Ger­man Socie­ty of Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine.

The fluo­ri­de sup­p­ly is only one of 3 important pil­lars to avo­id caries: careful and effec­ti­ve oral hygie­ne and a sen­si­ble diet are just as important!

More on the web­site of the Ger­man Socie­ty of Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine

Sports Protection

Moun­tain biking, inline ska­ting but also foot­ball, hockey, kara­te or judo — much more often than one would think, a fall or col­li­si­on deve­lo­ps in the heat of the moment. And that’s it: the midd­le incis­or is bro­ken or miss­ing completely.

If the tooth is lost, the gap can only be clo­sed with an implant or a bridge (healt­hy adja­cent tee­th are dama­ged!). Thank God you can now pro­tect yours­elf easi­ly and comfortably.

The pro­blem is sol­ved with a mouth­guard that is worn over on the upper tee­th, and which absorbs all impacts and blows with a soft rub­ber sur­face. Many top ath­le­tes such as Bun­des­li­ga foot­bal­lers, the natio­nal hockey team and, of cour­se, the boxers no lon­ger do wit­hout this safety.

Impres­si­ons of the upper and lower jaws and a wax bite are suf­fi­ci­ent — and after 1 week you are in pos­ses­si­on of your mouth­guard. By the way, the mouth­guard is available trans­pa­rent or in your desi­red colours

Bleaching: Beautiful, White Teeth Again

Dis­co­lou­ra­ti­ons or too dark tooth colour can be cor­rec­ted in many cases today. First the tee­th are inten­si­ve­ly clea­ned in order to remo­ve the colour depo­sits of e.g. red wine, tea or smo­king. Leaky, old fil­lings must also be repla­ced. Only now can the actu­al tooth sha­de be asses­sed and — if desi­red — corrected.

A simp­le, tooth sub­s­tance pre­ser­ving and dura­ble method is blea­ching. With the help of mild acti­ve ingre­di­ents, the tooth can be whiten­ed from the out­side and, in the case of root-fil­led tee­th, also from the inside.

Plea­se read our infor­ma­ti­on about blea­ching here: »